Random Acts of Kindness
2019 Random Acts of Kindness
November Project - Wounded Warrior Project - Article coming soon
October Project - SEE International
September Project - Girls Inc.
August Project - Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute - Watch the Video!
July Project - SEE International - We were able to screen approximately 100 kids and as a bonus donated fun polarized sunglasses to all the kids that participated in the event.
June Project - Santa Barbara Parks & Recreation - Helping restore the Cold Springs Trail that was devastated by the 2018 Mudslides in Montecito, CA
May Project - Habilitat - 150 sunglasses & readers donated to patients on their journey to recovery
April Project - Trees For the Future - 1,000 trees planted
March Project - Bridge Hope - Helping survivors of human trafficking + Jessa Dillow Crisp tells her story
February Project - Camp Kesem- Helping families struggling with cancer
January Project - New Choices inc - Family abuse shelter
2018 Random Acts of Kindness
December Project - What happens when the Blue Planet Crew sets up at a Holiday Market and Donates 100% of the proceeds to a family in need? View the project to find out! Santa Barbara, CA www.calm4kids.org
November Project - Gave approximately 100 Veterans and their families a free eye screening + a free pair of reading glasses or sunglasses in Santa Barbara, CA www.seeintl.org
October Project - 1,200 lbs of fresh fruit was hand picked and donated to feed those less fortunate. Estimated to feed around 4,800 people in Santa Barbara, CA www.foodforward.org
August Project - Carpinteria Appreciation Month Beach Clean Up! In Carpinteria, CA
July Project - Eye Exams at Girls Inc summer camp in Santa Barbara, CA seeintl.org
June Project - Beach Clean Up at Devereux Beach in Isla Vista, CA Islavista.surfrider.org
May Project - The Best Day at Leadbetter Beach in Santa Barbara, CA BestDayFoundation.org
April Project - Planting Trees in Ojai, CA OjaiTrees.org