Ojai Trees Project

On April 28th, 2018 The Blue Planet Team volunteered on our 1st Random Acts of Kindness Project. We Volunteered at OjaiTrees.org planting trees in the local community. We were broken up into 3 teams of 5-6 people. Our team was able to plant 6 trees and all together we were able to plant 30 trees in 1 day. Ojai Trees vision is a healthy Ojai Valley community forest that is sustainable for future generations. 

Why are healthy trees a benefit? 

  • Trees produce oxygen which you inhale; and they take in CO2 which you exhale. That makes us breathing buddies with trees! How cool is that?
  • Trees mean energy cost savings (cooling & heating)
  • Trees increase the resale value of your property and beautify your neighborhood
  • Trees provide direct health and social benefits (safer, reduce stress, less violence)
  • Trees improve air quality by releasing fresh oxygen and removing carbon
  • Trees help the watershed by reducing storm water runoff and stabilizing the soil
  • Trees mean better business in commercial districts (shaded parking - attractive)
  • Trees encourage walking and outdoor activities, and cool parked vehicles