Random Acts of Kindness – supporting our local community

At Blue Planet Eyewear we believe passionately in doing our bit to give back, whether that’s on a global scale by our commitment to using eco-friendly materials in our range of eyeglasses and sunglasses, or at a local level by getting involved in events that benefit our local community. On April 28 our Blue Planet team volunteered as part of a Random Acts of Kindness project to plant trees in the nearby Ojai Valley community forest.

Ojai Trees is a grassroots, non-profit community organization that welcomes volunteers who want to dedicate their time toward benefitting the environment. The group’s aim is to create an Ojai Valley community forest both for those who want to enjoy it now, and for future generations. From producing oxygen, to the direct health and social benefits of having local green spaces to enjoy, the benefits of a healthy, sustainable forest are plain to see.

The Ojai forest contains an aging tree population that is in some places not in the best condition, with about 17 per cent canopy coverage. That’s why Ojai Trees welcomes volunteers who help plant new trees every year, building toward a more balanced tree population with a goal of 25 per cent canopy cover.

The Blue Planet team had a great time on the day, getting involved in planting the healthy new trees. After splitting up into three teams of five to six people, we got on with the tough but rewarding work ahead. By the end of the day, our small team had planted no fewer than six trees, with the group as a whole planting thirty trees on the day. That’s a great step toward Ojai Trees’ goal of planting over a hundred new trees in the forest every year, and we were so grateful to be able to play our part!

At Blue Planet we firmly believe that individuals and organizations alike have a role in making our world a better one for the people alive now, and for future generations. That’s why in addition to our regular voluntary work, we champion our Visualize Change program, which gifts a pair of corrective glasses to men, women and children around the globe for every frame bought from us.

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