Walker "DubYou" Harrell

S I N G E R / / S O N G W R I T E R
L O C A T I O N : D E S M O I N E S , I O W A
G L A S S E S O F C H O I C E : A N C H O R
B I O :
My name is Walker Harrell, but I go by the stage name, "DubYou". I am a singer/songwriter from Des Moines, Iowa in the United States. I started getting into music seriously when I was a teenager. I was shy and it really helped me come out of my shell. Since then, I've performed at a variety of venues all over the country and shot music videos in Philadelphia all the way across seas to Italy. My goal one day is to tour the world performing my music.
Blue Planet Eco-Eyewear really grabbed my attention because I too, really care for our planet and try my best to help clean it up through voluntary community service as well as donating my profits from performances to aid in the relief of natural disasters. My favorite pair I own is from the Anchor Collection. Both colorways look great!
F O L L O W W A L K E R :
I N S T A G R A M / / @ D U B Y O U 5 1 5