Stephanie De Simone

M O T H E R / / W O R L D T R A V E L O R
L O C A T I O N : S U R F S I D E B E A C H , T X
G L A S S E S O F C H O I C E : R O S A
B I O :
Hello, I am Stephanie! I live in a small beach town on the Texas coast with my family. I was born in Spain to a Greek mother and American father. My husband is from Brazil. I love spending long summers on the Greek island my mother is from. This is where my love of the ocean comes from. I accidentally discovered Blue Planet Eyewear while shopping at a nautical store in Galveston. I actually needed a new pair of sunglasses! I was instantly attracted to the various styles offered, but most of all, how the company balances style with a purpose. Blue Planet Eyewear encompasses everything I believe in a product: environmentally aware, giving back to people in need, and fashionable! Who wouldn’t want to buy a pair of BPE sunglasses? Random facts about me in my spare time: Love jogging on the beach, making art from sea glass and sea shells with my daughters, picking up litter from the beach, traveling, and reading an inspirational book.
F O L L O W S T E P H A N I E :
I N S T A G R A M / / @ S U R F S I D E G O D D E S S