Liboria Chavez

S T U D E N T / / A C C O U N T A N T
L O C A T I O N : H O U S T O N , T X
G L A S S E S O F C H O I C E : C L A S S I C B L U E L I G H T
B I O :
My name is Liboria Chavez, I am from Houston TX, currently attending the University of Houston-Downtown serving as the Vice-President for the university. I am also an Accountant working in a firm; however I am very passionate about helping others and beautiful mother nature. I am super grateful to be part of the Ambassador group of Blue Planet Eco-Eyewear I been using their glasses for a long time and I would definitely recommend the Classic Blue Light Filtering Reader, it is a game changer to the virtual world. Especially for those students or office workers that are always on a screen it helps protect your eyesight. I am super thankful for Blue Planet Eco-Eyewear because they share the same values as me.
F O L L O W L I B O R I A :
I N S T A G R A M / / @ B O N J O U R L _