Leeane Schoener

A R T I S T / / M U S I C I A N
L O C A T I O N : L O S A N G E L E S , C A
G L A S S E S O F C H O I C E : A S H
B I O :
Hi I'm Leeane! I'm a 29 year old from Puerto Rico. I currently reside in Los Angeles, California where I am a Singer/Songwriter and I work with charity organizations such as Puerto Ricans in Action and a Suicide Awareness Organization. My stage name is Reina Mora which is the exotic national bird of Puerto Rico. I am excited to be releasing my first studio album, “Birds Eye View”, soon. I also enjoy writing songs for other artist and poetry for my upcoming book “Deserted Cathedral”. I am so excited to be partnering with Blue Planet Eyewear. I love being their brand Ambassador because they have beautifully combined all the things I love: eco-friendly products, giving back to so many in need and trendy affordable fashion for consumers; all in one purchase!
F O L L O W L E E A N E :
I N S T A G R A M / / @ R E I N A M O R A M U S I C