Kaitlyn Quigley

L O C A T I O N : N O R T H Y O R K , O N T A R I O
G L A S S E S O F C H O I C E : D E L A M A R
B I O :
Hello! My name is Kaitlyn Quigley, and I am a lifelong learner, picture taker and nature enthusiast. I grew up in Oceanside, California but now reside in Toronto, Canada where I teach Special Education. I love exploring new places in my own backyard and learning about different cultures and ways of life. We have so much to learn from one another! I try to minimize my impact on the planet as much as possible by spending time in nature and consuming ethical goods. I catalogue my adventures via social media to engage my students with everyday actions that can encourage sustainable living. I feel we need to work together to shift our lifestyle narratives by addressing systematic injustices that inhibit people’s ability to be heard and have access. I am excited to partner with Blue Planet Eyewear because of their social responsibility towards eco-friendly production and helping those who are visually impaired. My favorite pair of sunglasses are definitely the Delamar collection, they are so vintage and lightweight!