Elisa Jae

P H O T O S T Y L I S T / / P H O T O G R A P H E R
L O C A T I O N : M A U I , H I
G L A S S E S O F C H O I C E : B E V E R L Y
B I O :
Elisa Jae is a Photo Stylist and Photographer based on the North Shore of Maui. With a passion for eco-fashion, green design, sustainable living, and a chic, light sense of style, plus roots in the Santa Barbara area, she was excited to find out about Blue Planet Eyewear when searching out sustainable brands to partner with and wear in her everyday wardrobe. Sunglasses that are polarized, substantial, and versatile are key to her capsule wardrobe philosophy - polarized lenses seem to prevent premature aging and she places high value in a pair of sunnies that can go from beach days to sunset dates. Elisa's personal sustainable living philosophy centers around less-is-more and only investing in items one loves. Blue Planet is an absolute love :)
F O L L O W E L I S A :
I N S T A G R A M / / @ H E Y E L I S A J A E