Barbara Girone

V I S U A L A R T S E D U C A T O R / / A R T S T H E R A P I S T / / A D V E N T U R E R
L O C A T I O N : B E N D , O R
G L A S S E S O F C H O I C E : S T A R L Y N
B I O :
Living, loving, and appreciating life. I am Barb Girone. I am an adventurer, explorer, and free spirit guided by optimism and honesty. My activities include experiencing the world on my mountain bike or snowboard. My artistic soul is fed weekly through my job of inspiring children to make art. Currently my heart bounces back and forth between Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and Bend Oregon.I practice minimalism and will not spend money on things unless they bring true value to my life. This is why I feel so strongly about Blue Planet Eyewear, a company that is ethically committed to making this world a better place. I am getting older and needed readers that would support my style and active life. I was having no luck finding a pair, and then came upon Blue Planet Eyewear. I loved the style, they were comfortable to wear, they were made from sustainable materials, and every pair purchased supported people in need of eye care. This was a company I could fully embrace. I was also amazed to find they sold sunglasses as well.
F O L L O W B A R B A R A :
I N S T A G R A M / / @ S U G A R P L U M S C A R Y
T W I T T E R / / @ M R S G I R O N E